Page name: undead Zoo! Facility 2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-03 19:11:44
Last author: Kbird
Owner: ~Crimson Angel~
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This is where people with the government go.





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2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Loshya: Who ever dissected you didn't do a good job.

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:*sighs and draws his swords* if you want Sam then your gonna have to go through me*smirks* Kinda hard for them to when I can heal myself

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Loshya: that's cheating!

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: tell that to the humans that made me this way. Oh and I`m faster and stronger than you or Seth.

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: That could be fun actually.

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Loshya:Yeah have to fight both of us.
Luki:I wouldn't mind watching....

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: *smiles*

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: I`ve fought 50 hunters before so thats not a problem

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Luki: yeah but we aren't human.......and I could just take your soul now and be done with this.

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: I`m not either and I could just blast you and not think twice about

Sam: Raven your needed. Dad's trying to start a fight again

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: *smirks*

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean:*smirks* This is fun

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Fern: *to Dean* "Your brother's almost more impulsive than you are."

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Me: *munches on popcorn* Yep...

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: LOL LET THE FIGHT BEGIN!!! *makes a battle arena around them*

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Me: Kira. *giggles*

Alex: What's going on? *takes some popcorn*

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Loshya & Luki:The really will be fun.*evil smirks*
Luki:Your not joining in, Fern?

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean:He has his moments*to Luki* If i fight him this whole place might be destoryed

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Me: GO TEAM GO!

Alex: What?

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Fern: *to Luki* "I usually announced and planned the fights. I'd rather not waste bullets in the comment area."

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam:*to Alex* my dad has started a fight again

Will:Yeah and I have a good reason to Sam

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Luki:True but it is something to pass time...for people without guns.

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: Why'd he start a fight?

Me: Seth wants to dissect Sam.

Alex: What, really?

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Loshya: actully Will just geussed that Seth would want to dissect we ran with it.

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: Interesting.

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:Yuki you want in on this

Dean:*to Will* Coward

Will:*to Dean* Shut up before I blast you instead

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jack: Don't bring Yuki into your battle.

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Luki: Your sick...bringing a child...someone elses child at that!, into your own battle.
Yuki: I'm in!*gets raised into arena*

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: Like I said coward

Will:*to Dean*Thats it. You and me, Right here right now

Dean: *to Will* Fine have it your way*jumps into the battle arena with his sword drawn and attacks Will*

Will:*Blocks Deans attack and starts to attack back*

Sam: Great now they are fighting

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Well, the child wasn't /nearly/ as eager when Mark asked him to fight..."
Aspen: "...I'm not sure what he did qualifies as 'asking'~" XP

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jack: YUKI! Be careful!

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:*growls at Dean before stabbing a sword into the ground and blocking Dean`s attack* Here Yuki use this sword*moves around so Yuki isn`t in the middle of his and Dean`s fight* *to Dean* your getting slow brother

Dean: * to Will* no I`m just bying my time*launches a series of strikes at Will*

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Yuki:Thanks!*to Fern* Hey puppy....STOP SENDING PEOPLE TO FIGHT FOR YOU LIKE THE HIGHIER UP GOVERNMENT!!

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Not her fault. Didn't you hear? The ringleader can't run." XP
Fern: "Shut. Up."
Aspen: "You'll never see her in her wolf form or out of heels because then her limp is obvious..." <img:Untitled-1.gif>
Fern: "GO. AWAY." <img:44166_1164145262.gif>

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:*blocks Dean`s strikes with his own**to Dean* bying you time for what Dean*starts moving faster to land more sword strikes on Dean*

Dean: for this*Blocks the strikes and looks at Chris* Yo Chris fire the flame gun at my brother now

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Chris:Okay*Loads flame gun*
Yuki:Hmph I could move slow for you puppy.
Luki:Awww it is so nice to see you trying to make friends Yuki.
Raven:-_- I don't think I can stop this.*Goes back to bed*

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Fern: *to Yuki* "Better idea: I sit here and watch the show, and you do... whatever." *waves hand dismissively, but gestures for Mark to stand closer in case she needs a quick get-away*

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:*to Dean* You taught him my move*does a couple of quick slashes at Dean*

Dean:Now your catching on brother*blocks the Slashes and jumps out of the way* I showed him the move as a failsafe incase something happened to me

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Chris:*Fires*HEADS UP!
Yuki: Fine "Daddy" Lets play...
Loshya:Seth....I think we where forgotten.

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: This is going to hurt*takes the full force of the flame gun blast*

Sam:DAD ARE YOU OK*jumps down into the arena and forms lightning orbs in both hands*

Dean:*laughs as he puts his sword away* Nice shot Chris

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jack: *glares at Luki*

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Chris:O.O from what he said....I dont think he's dead.

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Wil:*groans and sits up*Ok I`m done fighting for now*falls backwards and passes out*


Dean:*bleep* I should`ve known

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Luki:What I didn't do anything?

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam:Someone want to help me get my Dad out of here

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: I'll help you.

Jack: *continues to glare at Luki*

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Yuki:*look down at Will saddly then angerly at Luki*
Loshya:Kehahaha Just get out of the ring kid before you get hurt.

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam: Thanks Alex*grabs one of his dad`s arms and legs*

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jack: Yuki, are you ok?

Alex: *grabs the other arm and leg*

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam:*starts to carry Will out of the arena with Alex* *to Yuki* My dad will be ok he just needs to rest

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: *carries Will*

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Yuki:I'm okay....WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!
Luki:I don't like being glared at so I'm running away...pffft

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean:*jumps back into the stands and sits by Fern*

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jack: Coward.

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Fern: *to Dean* "...Y'know, the clean-up isn't all that interesting to watch." *turns to Mark* "Where's Graham?"

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: Yeah I know, I`m just getting away from Sam right now

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Graham: Yes Madam?

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam:*sits Will down on a bench*I`m going to sit here and wait fo my dad to wake up*starts to arc lightning between his fingers*

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: Alright.

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean:*looks at Sam* look he`s not even worried that I could have Chris shoot him with a flame gun if I wanted to

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Fern: "The fight is over. I'm bored." *gives Graham a meaningful look* "Any suggestions?"
Note: If Fern disapproves, she'll let Graham know... XP

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Graham:I've read and I have an idea.*Whisles*
Clerk twins:Huh?.....BOYS!!!
Maniko:Meko..go get some rope.

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam:Uh-oh not good

Me:Night everyone

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: Uh... Should we run?

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Fern: <img:Untitled-1.gif>
Me: Night, Kbird.

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: William said good night. lol

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam:*looks at his dad and then at Alex*I think so*takes off running*

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: *runs away too*

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Meko & Maniko:*Chase after* Come back pretty boys!

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: NO! *runs faster*

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Meko:*Laso him* Yay I got one!

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Sorry, I'm used to Kbird logging out first, so I wrote on habit. =_____=
Night, William!

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: CRAP! *falls to the ground*

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Meko:Im sorry..but you really shouldn't run from me hehe.
Maniko:Good one! *Huggles Alex*

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: *tries to wiggle free*

Me: *giggles* Sorry for your bad luck. :D

Alex: *glares*

2013-02-02 [ancienteye]: Fern: *is pleased with Graham's work* "Time to go home for a brandy." =^_^= "Come along, boys." (boys here meaning Mark and Graham)

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: WILL SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME?!

Me: *sips on a drink* Nope.

Seth: *is sitting in a tree watching in disgust and mumbles* Women.

2013-02-02 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:*wakes up and sees Sam getting chased* Ok why is Sam being chased

Sam: *to Will* heck if I know Dad. I have to help Alex*starts running back towards Alex*

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: Man hungry women.

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Meko:*Nocks Same of his feet* Oh..Im..uh sorry I got scared.
Maniko:NICE ONE!!*Goes to tie up Sam*

2013-02-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: *watches safely from the tree*

Alex: Well, there goes my rescue.

2013-02-02 [Kbird]: Loshya:*Walks up holding Yuki*All the yelling is giving me a headache...*Cuts ropes**Glares at twin then puts down Yuki* And you really shouldn't let a kid go into battle

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jack: Yuki! *picks him up and hugs him*

Me: Aw!

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Yuki:Wha..what happened I was about to attack and now I'm here.

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jack: Are you ok?

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Yuki:Yeah.
Loshya:*walks away*

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jack: *smiles* I'm glad.

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Yuki:*Smiles back*

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Me: Hi Yuki.

Alex: *runs away from the twins again now that he's free*

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam: Dad a little help here

Will: And risk getting tied up myself noway been there and done that

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Yuki:Hi.....Oh Alex I'll run with you!*Runs after Jack*
Maniko:Oh I love it when they run!

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Jack: Crap! Yuki come back! *runs after Yuki*

Alex: *tries to climb the tree Seth is in*

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:*walks to the other side of the arena* it never works to run

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:*Alex* What H*** are you doing?

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: Trying to escape the twins.

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:By climbing a do relize that will trap you?

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: Seth is up here too, maybe he'll distract them.

Seth: *glares* GET DOWN!

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Clerk twins:*Evil giggles*
Maniko:Here little doggy,doggy here boy....hehehe.
Loshya:Told you you'd be trapped.

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: *climbs higher*

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:Do I have to cut YOU two or will you stop?
Maniko:Oh look at the time come on Meko...WE have to get to bed hehaha.,...

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: *breathes a sigh of relief*

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:*Glare at alex* Get down.

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: Not until they're gone.

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:Whys that?

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: They might try to catch me again.

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:*looks to Seth as if asking him if he wants to dissect some people*

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: *smirks and nods* Should we try to dissect the doggie?

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya: Yes.*Smiles as she pulls out daggers*

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alex: NO! *hides behind Crimson*

Me: No dissecting Alex!

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:Someones gotta pay for this blasted headache.

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Me: Well pick someone else!

Alex: *nods*

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya: It's him or the twins sence the twins are gone...

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Me: *points to a random man walking by*

Seth: Looks promising.

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:-____________________- fine....Ow *Hold head*

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:*smirks* he`s not worth it Seth

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:Huh? who isn't?

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: that random man isn`t a man, but a demon and a strong one at that

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: Never dissected a demon.

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:Oh now that sounds very interesting!*evil smirk*

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: It does.

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:*to Seth* don`t even try. I`ve fought demons and almost died because one of them decided to makea kabbob out of me with my own sword

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:*looks at seth* I still think it sounds fun....

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: I agree.

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: If you really want to try it*Draws sword and uses it to pin the Demon to the wall* have at it then

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:=D *Pulls out knives hand Seth two*

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: What the *bleep* Will, I never thought you would do that

Will: Shut it Dean before I tell them to dissect you

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: *takes the knives and heads towards the demon*

Demon: *hisses at Will for pinning it against the wall*

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:*to the Demon* Shut it before I dissect you myself*starts drawing the other sword slowly*

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:*Goes over to help dissect*

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean:O.O

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "...." *to Dean* "Aren't /you/ supposed to be the evil one?" O_o

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean:*to Aspen* I did say that Will had a mean streak

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Luki:Dean your looking like a goody goody compared to Will

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Demon: *hisses at Seth and Loshya*

Seth: Shut up, I won't hurt you... Much.

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean:*sighs and charges up his flame gun* *to Luki* I`m not a goody-goody

Will:*to Seth* you might want to move

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: *blinks* Why?

Demon: *swipes at Seth who moves just in time*

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:*Stabs demons hand befor jumping back.*

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: my brother thats why

Dean:*fires the flame gun and misses Will, instead it hits the demon* *bleep* I missed him

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: *hisses* Watch it hybrid!

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean:*to Seth* Hiss at me again and I`ll blast you into hell

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:*To dean*While you try that I'll be stabbing you.

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:*sighs*Dean just leave now and we`ll settle our problems later

Dean:Fine*walks out of arena*

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: You'd have to catch me first.

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:*to Seth* My brother and I could without trying but I`m just going to let you be for now

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:*Stands by Seth* Hmph you seem pretty sure of yourself.

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: I`ve been around for a while and in a lot of battles and even fought a vampire twice for kidnapping Sam`s mom

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: Really?

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya: interesting I've only been around for one houndered and fifteen years.

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: Yeah really. I don`t let no one mess with my family and get away with it. I was born in 1991 and dissappeared in 2012 after fighting my brother

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:Seesh your really old.

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: Yeah if you look at it that way I am, but really I`m only 24. Limbo messes with time some how

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:Limbo is more or less a tar in reality,time, and space.

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: And Me and Dean fell into it after useing the same attack.

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: Limbo? What's it like?

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya: In there case it was a hole they made, that made them a unchanging world of nonexistence.Right?

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: Its a big white space with nothing in it, but it does give one time to train i guess. that about sums it up.

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: Like a void?

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya: Yeah that is a way to describe it.

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: *looks at Sam* I guess I should go untie him

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Me:Loshya already untied him....when she untied Alex

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam:*walks up beside Will* I guess I should thank you Loshya for untying me.

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:*Back up* your welcome.

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: *looks over at Loshya*

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:What? they where noisy I thought untying them would make them shut up.

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam: Yeah sorry about that*looks at the remains of the demon* I guess that was my uncle`s doing

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:No it was mine *straght face*

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam: I see

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: *opens his mouth to tell the truth*

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Me:Was she trying to Joke?

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:*put cake in Seths mouth*

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: *blinks and mumbles*

Me: You're supposed to eat it.

Seth: *chews and swallows* What was that for... That was really good.

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:Smiles There's more of it over there.*points at the party*

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: *goes over to get more cake*

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: Loshya:*fallows happily*

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Seth: *is eating cake*

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: I ,for some unknown reason, PICTURED THIS JUST NOW!-> Seth and Loshya.<img:stuff/aj/190343/1359876698.jpg>

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Except Seth is a boy.

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: minor details

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: I say more like this. <img200*0:>

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: lol yeah!

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Look what I found! lol


2013-02-03 [Kbird]: lol that work too!!Wait is that angel Uhh crap I forgot.

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: What?

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: angel something or my sister owns the manga.

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh, I don't know. lol

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: those to are sib bout they are into insext!XO

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Whoa!

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: yep.

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Like the Hitachiin twins? lol

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: no my sister said they actully umm yeah have sex...>->

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh...

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: O.o yeah...well this is odd

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: What? lol

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: AHHH *in the middle of areasing the momeries*

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-02-03 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: night ya`ll and Kbird Will, Sam, and Dean Are your until I return

2013-02-03 [ancienteye]: Night, William.

2013-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Night william.

2013-02-03 [Kbird]: night....>.>

2013-03-30 [Silver Moon]: It's called angel sanctuary I also have the anime

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